Friday, December 11, 2009

Making Memorable Christmas Photos

If anyone knows how to make their children crazy when it comes to holiday photos it is me.
My push for perfection and the best photos possible makes them cringe the moment they see my camera in my hand, but it doesn't have to be that way.
This year when trying for the "perfect" Christmas photo, shoot for imperfection. That's right, capture your children and family doing what they love - decorating the tree, making cookies, reading the Christmas story. Posed shots at great, but if you are looking for images to remember, think about your traditions and capture those elements.
The past few month Grace Scott Photography has kept me busy. I hope you enjoy some of the new photos I've uploaded. It's not too late to plan your Christmas setting. I've also started capturing a new element that I love, maternity photos. This is a great memento of your pregnancy and a great way to capture "baby" before he or she arrives. We will be following up the "R" Baby Maternity shoot with photos of the baby wrapped in ribbon as soon as he, or she, arrives in January.
Tune in for more moments turned into memories.
Blessings to you and yours this Christmas and Always!

The "S" Family

The "M" Wedding

"L" Sisters

Baby "R" Maternity

Baby "R" Maternity